AboutAssociate Members support WASFAA in numerous ways: exhibiting at conferences, participating on WASFAA committees, volunteering for WASFAA sponsored events as well as providing assistance and support to schools and families in Wisconsin. WASFAA values the contributions of all of its members. An Associate Member Sector (AMS) Representative is elected by the AMS bi-annually. Responsibilities include: attending Executive Committee Meetings and the Presidents Retreat, acting as the liaison between the AMS and the WASFAA Executive Committee, and leading Associate Sector meetings at conferences. The Associate Member Representative for 2023-2025 is Matt Lehmann. Matt can be contacted at mlehmann@sofi.org or (608)-770-9158. The following alphabetical list represents Associate Member Organizations who have at least one active/paid WASFAA member. It is intended to provide schools with contact information of all Associate Member organizations and its primary contact(s) for WASFAA. Please take note of the WASFAA Corporate Partner Vending Policy. (Effective 2/18/19) | Be sure you're logged in above to see all the content on this page! RepresentativeMembersNeed to make an update to your committee page? |