The Professional Development Committee is bringing back a great WASFAA tradition in the coming months; the WASFAA Mentorship Program!
In this ever-fluctuating financial aid world, it's key to the success of WASFAA to have our, "seasoned veterans," and our "new professionals" partner up to discuss not just financial aid, but whatever you're encountering in your professional development.
Mentors will be responsible for checking in on a monthly basis and connecting at workshops/conferences, if attending. Some days you might simply just want to pick up the phone and hear how your colleague's doing.
It's critical that everyone knows that WASFAA is here to help so that no member feels lost.
Questions about how another school is handling an issue you're dealing with...mentorship! Questions you might feel silly about asking a coworker...mentorship! Questions about what exactly is this, "conference chicken," you've been hearing about...first, probably the FDA...but then...mentorship!
Interested in being a mentor or mentee?
Sign Up Now!
We'd love to have you help us reboot this program and initiate a fun and exciting way to interact with your peers and help keep WASFAA a great and valuable association.