2025 Annual Conference ǀ March 26 - 28 ǀ Green Bay, WI

Channeling Your Current ǀ WASFAA's River of Connections

Join your WASFAA colleagues as we embark on a river of connections that you can channel to meet your needs and help you find your best self, both professionally and personally.

Preconference, keynote, and interest sessions provide valuable information and resources on relevant topics to foster engaging conversations.

Check back for more information - we look forward to seeing in Green Bay next Spring!

Session & Idea Submission

Our members are what make our conference amazing - so we need your help! Use the link to submit both interest sessions you'd like to present (solo or with others) or just ideas for topics you'd love to see offered.

And you can submit multiple times - give us all your ideas!

Not a financial aid topic? That's OK!  Some of our best sessions are those that support our general professional and personal development and wellness.

Submit by Friday, November 8

Conference Chair

Karla Weber Wandel, UW-Madison

Committee Members

 Sara Bauer, Herzing University My See Lee, Madison College
 Elizabeth Bloedow, UW-Oshkosh Matt Lehman, SoFi
 Triena Bodart, Moraine Park Tech Jane Lemke, ISL Education Lending
 Lia Caruso, UW-Whitewater Owen Neff, UW-Stevens Point
 Liz Dempich, UW-Whitewater Jeffrey Teague, Carthage College
 Rachel Erickson, Chippewa Valley Tech Ashley Williams, UW-Milwaukee
 Betsy Henkel, Beloit College Maggie Zabinski, UW-Madison
 Sara Beth Holman, The College Board Laura Zuege, Lawrence University

WASFAA is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization. 

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